Graeme Zacks

082 654 5005

Graeme is an independent committee member. Graeme qualified as a Chartered Accountant at Kessel Feinstein after which he joined Investec Private Banking in Cape Town and spent 27 years of his working career at Investec.

During this time, Graeme served as Head of Finance for 10 years and Head of Credit Risk for 12 years. During the last 5 years of his career at Investec, Graeme held a dual role, on the Credit Committee as well as held a National role with Private Banking responsible for all credit reporting and analysis and was responsible as business owner for the automation of the Risk Appetite Classifications used for reporting to Private Bank Risk Review, Group Credit & Risk Forums, Group Capital and Board Risk Committees, Investor Relations and the SARB.

Graeme currently runs his own debt and financial solutions consulting business ‘debtfinsolutions’ and also serves as an independent contractor credit risk specialist consulting to the Investec Private Bank Credit Committee.